We strongly believe that Urbans and rurals Cambodian people can improve their livelihood and economy when they are given proper tools, knowledge, skills and resources.
Our mission is to empower community people to be able to improve their lives in a sustainable way, by equipping them with the skills, knowledge and tools.
Our team is made by khmer natives, we grew up in communities, we know the needs of the populations and we know how to fix their problems.
CTO is working to translate obtained knowledge and skills into actions, that’s how we got our name : “Community Translation Organisation”.
CTO has been working to alleviate poverty in rural and urban communities of Cambodia in partnership with development agencies and government agencies (such as Actionaid Cambodia, UNDP, World Food Program, AusAID, USAID …) for the government agencies : we are working closely with department of agriculture, department of water resources meteorology, and the department of women’s affair.
We focus on building civil democratic community based organization (CBOs) (Producer group, Community forestry, Agricultural Cooperative and other women based or led grassroots groups…) to promote their social and economical rights and voice and build their capacity, so that these CBOs can work as representatives of poor members mainly women, most vulnerable people, and ethnic minorities.
CTO is first working to transmit knowledge and tools to people and then translate those obtained skills into actions : we call it empowerment. Translating awareness into action, that is how we got our name « Community Translation »
CTO’s working to seek support from duty-bearer and promote sustainable economic development in Cambodia focused in 5 areas of expertise :
- Agriculture (Technique & knowledge transfer, Agricultural cooperative, Irrigation construction, NRM, Livelihood)
- Land property and Community forest
- Education (Child sponsorship program & Library construction)
- Women empowerment/Gender equity
- Climate Change, Adaptation and Gender equality promotion

Our strategy aligns sustainable development of the united nations