Join us and act in favor of Cambodian development !
We are looking for new partners to improve the livelihood of Cambodian communities. If you share our values in terms of humanism, sustainable development, tranparency and accontability, you are in the right place to develop impactful projets to fight poverty !
They work with us
CTO has been working to alleviate poverty in rural and urban communities of Cambodia in partnership with development agencies and government agencies for the government agencies. We are working closely with department of agriculture, department of water resources meteorology, department of women’s affair.
It is very important for us to introduce these official donors who have so generously contributed to the development of CTO and helped thousands of poor families improve their lives. We are so thankful for those collaborations.
Years of partnerships : 2013-2023
Total amount of sponsorship : 442 451$
Quick description : The organization works in 4 broad areas : women, politics and economics, land and climate, and emergencies. It was founded as a charity in 1972. The head office is in Johannesburg, South Africa. Action Aid also has hubs in Asia, the Americas and Europe.
“ActionAid is a global federation working for a world free from poverty and injustice. »
Websites : ActionAid International & ActionAid Cambodia
Annual Top Performance award letters on child sponsorship from Action Aid Cambodia board to CTO :
Years of partnerships : 2010-2011
Total amount of sponsorship : 20 000$
Quick description : Broccon is a luxury resort investment firm from Australia that funded CTO on promoting a safe environment to communities on the island of Koh Rong.
Years of partnerships : 2011 – 2014
Total amount of sponsorship : 200 000 $
Quick descrption : AustralianAID is the former international development agency of Australia. The agency has shifted and became DAP, The Direct Aid Program. It is a small grants program funded by the Australian Government and managed through the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT).
Australianaid focuses on two development outcomes: supporting private sector development and strengthening human development. The organization targets the Indo-Pacific region, with a sharper focus on their immediate neighborhood.
Website :
Years of partnerships : 2007-2011
Total amount of sponsorship : 405 000 $
EWB support on technical work of construction, such as design the water gate, embankment etc… Human translation has funded EWB for CTO with private donors funds.
Quick description : Engineers Without Borders USA builds a better world through engineering projects that empower communities to meet their basic human needs. Our highly skilled volunteers work with communities to find appropriate solutions for their infrastructure needs.
The term Engineers Without Borders (EWB) is used by a number of non-governmental organizations in various countries to describe their activity based on engineering and oriented to intenational development work. All of these groups work worldwide to serve the needs of disadvantaged communities and people through engineering projects. Many EWB national groups are developed independently from each other, and so they are not all formally affiliated with each other.
“Putting global responsibility at the heart of engineering”
Website : (EWB USA), (EWB International)
Years of partnerships : 2013 (Oxfam Great Britain), 2014 (Oxfam Cambodia)
Total amount of sponsorship : 62 897$ (respectively 25000$ from Oxfam GB and 37 897 from Oxfam Cambodia)
Quick description : Oxfam is an international confederation of 20 affiliates operating together in 94 countries with development programs in Africa, the Middle East, Latin America across Asia, and in parts of Eastern Europe. We are working together to end world poverty and injustice.
In Cambodia, Oxfam has supported the development of the country for almost four decades and it continues with a solid commitment for Cambodians, especially women and youth as well as other marginalized groups. There are three program pillars: Inclusive Green Economy and Finance, Voices for Change, and Natural Resource Governance.
« Together, we fight inequality to end poverty and injustice. »
Website : (Oxfam International),
Annual Top Performance award letters on child sponsorship from Action Aid Cambodia board to CTO :
Years of partnerships : 2010-2013, 2017-2018
Total amount of sponsorship : 150 000$
Quick description : The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) is a United Nations agency tasked with helping countries eliminate poverty and achieve sustainable economic growth and human development.
Its work is concentrated in three focus areas; sustainable development, democratic governance and peace building, and climate and disaster resilience.
Headquartered in New York City, it is the largest UN development aid agency, with offices in 170 countries.”
source : ,
Website :
Years of partnerships : 2011-2012, 2020
Total amount of sponsorship : 96 000$
Under Pact/USAID-CTO partnership, CTO received a grant for the project named E-WE ACT that stands for Empower Women Entrepreneurs for Active and Collective Trading. The project was funded by USAID and managed by PACT. Pact/USAID has been committed to extensively supporting CTO institutional and technical capacity.
Quick description : USAID is the world’s premier international development agency and a catalytic actor driving development results. USAID’s work advances U.S. national security and economic prosperity, demonstrates American generosity, and promotes a path to recipient self-reliance and resilience. [1]
The United States works with Cambodia to build a framework for lasting democracy and to improve the lives of all its citizens. [2]
Website : (USAID International ) [1], (USAID Cambodia) [2]
Years of partnerships : 2013-2020
Total amount of sponsorship : 507 000 $
Projects have been funded by Sida and managed in collaboration with We Effect.
Quick description : We Effect was founded in 1958 to support the development of democratic organizations and societies that have the capacity to articulate the rights and needs of their members in respect of work, influence, services, incomes and livelihoods. We Effect works in more than 20 countries in Asia, Eastern Europe, Latin America and Africa through our regional offices in partnership with local CSO, farmer organizations, cooperative federations and other democratic organizations.
“Our vision is a sustainable and just world, free from poverty and hunger.”
Website :
Years of partnerships : 2010-2012
Total amount of sponsorship : 90 000$
Quick description : The World Food Programme (WFP) is an international organization within the United Nations that provides food assistance worldwide. It is the world’s largest humanitarian organization and the leading provider of school meals. Founded in 1961, WFP is headquartered in Rome and has offices in 80 countries. As of 2021, it supported over 128 million people across more than 120 countries and territories.
Source :
Website :